Report: Results of Big Ten Research on COVID-19 Cardiac Registry

Published in Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine | July 9, 2024

COVID-19 Cardiac Registry

The University of Maryland is part of a consortium of Big Ten colleges conducting important national research about COVID-19’s effect on student-athletes. University of Maryland, College Park’s expertise in sports medicine, kinesiology, and epidemiology is joined with University of Maryland, Baltimore’s proficiency in cardiology, radiology, and epidemiology. Maryland’s team is leading the effort to perform core laboratory readings of cardiac magnetic resonance studies and to analyze that data.

Results provide critical information about the seriousness of the illness, which may be used to predict which athletes will have severe cardiac consequences from COVID-19. With support from University of Maryland Strategic Partnership: MPowering the State, J Schafer Cardiovascular Research Fund, and the Rink Family Foundation, data collection continued to provide researchers with an opportunity to evaluate the athletes.

The registry has produced compelling results. To read the full report, click below.