Presidential Distinguished Forum Highlights the Intersection of Engineering and Medicine
L to R: President, University of Maryland, College Park, Darryll Pines; Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering, Samuel Graham Jr.; Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, Amitabh Varshney; and President, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Bruce Jarrell. Photo Credit: Al Santos.
Published by MPower Staff | November 3, 2023
Engineering better medicines and advancing health informatics are two of the National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenges. A special Presidential Distinguished Forum, hosted by University of Maryland, College Park President Darryll J. Pines with invited guest Dr. Roderic I. Pettigrew, Ph.D., M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Engineering Health and Executive Dean for Engineering Medicine (EnMed) at Texas A&M University, addressed both.
Dr. Pettigrew discussed the EnMed program, which aims to transform health care through the development and training of “physicianeers,” or innovative, problem-solving doctors who are uniquely qualified to tackle pressing health care challenges. Pettigrew detailed how program graduates can receive a Medical Doctorate and Master of Engineering degree focused on the design and implementation of impactful medical technologies in the same four years.
University of Maryland, Baltimore President Bruce E. Jarrell, who studied engineering at the University of Delaware “because he wanted to marry engineering with medicine,” and Dean of the University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering Dr. Samuel Graham Jr., were invited guests.